Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi, has been used in the traditional medicine systems of several Eastern countries, including India, China, and Nepal, for many centuries. In India, Bacopa monnieri is used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve memory, concentration, reduce emotional tension, stress, and anxiety. It is included in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and the Indian Pharmacopoeia of Herbal Medicines, which are the main pharmaceutical books in India that regulate the use of herbal remedies for health support and prevention of various diseases. In Chinese traditional medicine, Bacopa monnieri is known as Ji Xue Cao or Lian Zi Xun. It is a common remedy for cognitive function support, mood improvement, and strengthening the nervous system. Ancient Chinese physicians recommended using Bacopa monnieri as a tonic to enhance the body’s adaptability to various conditions (climate, temperature, altitude and pressure changes, prolonged mental work, emotional stress, etc.).

Bacopa monnieri has gained popularity in modern alternative medicine. Scientists have identified a wide range of beneficial substances contained in Bacopa monnieri. Primarily, these are specific saponins called bacosides 1-12. Bacopa monnieri also contains another class of saponins called bacopasides I-XII. The positive effects on memory, attention, and strengthening of the nervous system are attributed to alkaloids, such as brahmine, nicotine, herpestine, flavonoids, oligosaccharides, and other compounds. This rich spectrum of biologically active substances in Bacopa monnieri helps the nervous system to withstand damage and function properly. Bacopa monnieri can stimulate the regeneration of nerve cells by affecting a specific protein called nerve growth factor beta (NGF-β).

Studies have shown that Bacopa monnieri extract helps to protect brain cells from damage caused by free radicals and inflammatory molecules. This may reduce the risk of developing and progressing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Recently, scientists have discovered Bacopa’s ability to reduce signs of aging. Clinical trials are currently underway to test the extract’s efficacy in patients with various age-related disorders, particularly those caused by chronic stress.

Bacopa monnieri enhances the activity of the nervous system and facilitates information transmission between different regions of the brain by improving the activity of neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin, and glutamic acid. Additionally, by enhancing signal transmission between neurons, Bacopa monnieri can improve brain plasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change its structure and function through experience. Neuroplasticity plays a crucial role in gaining knowledge and skills. This ability tends to decline with age. Bacopa monnieri extract supports neuroplasticity by stimulating the growth and development of nerve cells, their branches (axons and dendrites), and the connections between them. Thus, Bacopa monnieri helps to restore certain brain functions and improves the ability to learn, absorb information, acquire new skills, and maintain focus and attention as well.

Another important property of Bacopa monnieri is the ability to reduce stress levels and mitigate the negative impact on the body, thereby improving mood. Bacopa monnieri regulates the levels of stress hormones and significantly reduces stress responses in the body. As a result, individuals not only experience improved mood, but also enhance cellular protection against the effects of stressful factors.

MEMOBOOST is a complex of plant extracts that contains Bacopa Monnieri extract and can be used to support and enhance cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, motor activity, language, endurance, and mental performance. Thanks to the inclusion of Bacopa Monnieri extract, MEMOBOOST promotes an increase in nerve growth factor – a protein that aids in the formation of new nerve cells and facilitates the creation of new connections between individual neurons. MEMOBOOST protects nerve cells from adverse factors and helps develop cognitive abilities.

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