Our memory and everything we know are encoded in the nerve cells of our brain. Each neuron is a small cell that has many long and short processes, through which it forms connections with each other. When we memorize or learn something, such as playing basketball, new connections are formed between neurons in our brain. This process is called neuroplasticity.

With age or due to various negative factors (injuries, poisoning, infection and inflammation, specific brain diseases, harmful habits, and even chronic stress), the balance between the formation of new neurons and the optimal formation of connections between them is disrupted. A person feels that it becomes more difficult to perceive and memorize information, think, acquire new skills; cognitive functioning decreases, as well as the desire and ability to concentrate attention, and sometimes specific disorders develop, requiring specialist consultation. Therefore, it is important to help the brain maintain the formation of new neurons and neuroplasticity at an optimal level.

There are several main ways to support neuroplasticity, good memory, learning ability, and high productivity:

1) Regular physical activity. Physical exercises, especially aerobic ones, increase the activity of neurotrophic factors, contribute to the formation and development of new neurons and connections between them. This allows increasing the thickness of the brain’s gray matter even after traumatic events such as impaired blood flow to the brain. Physical activity also helps to overcome manifestations of depression and anxiety – the brain literally reconfigures itself for positive emotions, and thanks to improved neuroplasticity, such adjustments are preserved for a long time. In some studies, physical exercises have been as effective as antidepressants.

2) Meditation and mindfulness. These mental practices also help our brain develop normally. By systematically working on our thoughts and organizing the mental activity of the brain, we can literally change our brain. Scientists have observed an increase in the brain area responsible for willpower, memory, interaction and relationships with people, abstract thinking, and other important “human” functions after 8 months of daily meditation.

3) Dietary regimen and intake of sufficient necessary nutrients. Our food directly affects how our brain functions. It is extremely important to consume the necessary amount of food antioxidants daily, substances that reduce inflammation, improve the function of blood vessels that supply oxygen and glucose to brain tissue, and also support proper metabolism in our brain. Healthy eating involves a balanced diet. If it is necessary to enrich your diet with certain bioactive substances, it is possible to take dietary supplements – special complexes of vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients in the form of tablets/capsules that help the body maintain health.


MEMOBOOST is a special complex of nutrients that promotes increased neuroplasticity of the brain and improves memory, attention, and performance. MEMOBOOST increases the level of nerve growth factor – a protein that stimulates the formation of new neurons and the formation of new connections. That is why MEMOBOOST helps to protect neurons from various negative impacts and maintain sharp intellect for a long time.

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